Ave South leaders! Join us on Sunday, March 30, from 12:15-1:30 p.m. for a Group Leader Micro Training in the Basement, where you’ll gain practical strategies, encouragement, and insights to lead with confidence. This is a required training, so register now and come ready to learn, share, and grow!
Yo Pros! We’re heading to the ball game together! Join us at First Horizon Park on Thursday, April 10 at 6:00 p.m. for a night of fun, friends, and fellowship. We will be purchasing tickets as a group at the location.
Ave South College Students- we’re going on a hike! Meet us at the church on Saturday, April 12, at 9:00 a.m. and we’ll head out together and go enjoy God’s creation, great conversation, and lunch with friends—don’t miss it!
Summer is almost here, and so is Vacation Bible School! Families, bring your kids and preschoolers to discover the wonders of God’s amazing world and magnify His greatness. Register today and join us Monday, July 7–Friday, July 11, 9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Be part of what God is doing in Guatemala this summer! Join us June 14–21, as we serve through VBS, a community clinic, and construction on this mission journey—medical and non-medical team members are needed.
Join us this summer as we go to Toronto to share the love of Christ, July 18-22. Working with global workers, Jason and Jennifer, this team will be coming alongside disciple making efforts, while encouraging and supporting local believers throughout the diverse city of Toronto.
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