Stay up to date with our latest information and read inspirational stories about what God is doing in and through our community.
Our 60+ Adult Choir, ‘The Good News Singers’, is a place where our seniors have fun while singing familiar hymns and learning a variety of new music. We are ages 60+ and love to sing.
For more information, contact Marylee Atenhan at 402-366-9646 or [email protected].
Griefshare is a 13-week recovery group to help you discover hope and move forward. During this group, there will be video seminars with experts on grief and recovery, support group discussions, and personal study and reflection.
Tuesdays, August 20 – November 12, 2019, from 6:30-8:30 PM in Room 2140 (Upstairs in the Education Wing)
To register, please contact Kitty Montross at [email protected]
First-Time Guest?
Welcome! We are glad you’re here. We would also love the opportunity to get to know you better! If you’re planning on visiting one of our worship services on Sunday morning, please fill out the communications card you’ll receive there. It will help us connect with you, or get you connected to a LIFE group.
Senior Adult MapHometouch Ministry
Hometouch is a ministry to connect the people who are homebound to the church by providing curriculum and resources to them. You can contact the Senior Adult office if you know someone you would like to receive packets on a weekly basis.
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