We’ve learned that people move best on the journey when they travel together in groups that regularly meet, seek God, and love one another.

That’s why we offer Life Groups, Bible Reading Groups, and Mentor Relationships for men, women, couples, singles, and students.

Sunday Mornings

In addition to worship on Sundays, you have the option of attending a Life Group at 9:00 or 10:45 AM.

You can find a group online or chat with one of our Groups representatives in the lobby!

Throughout the Week

We also have multiple off-campus Life Groups that meet at a variety of times and places during the week.

Visit a Life Group

Here’s what you need to do now in order to plan your visit:

  1. Fill out the form.
  2. Check your email for details, directions, and next steps.

How Do I Know I Need a Mentor?

I want to…

  • Close the gap in understanding and applying Scripture.
  • Develop an intentional plan for growing in Christlikeness.
  • Activate your prayer life.
  • Discover God’s presence in your life.
  • Develop a viable spiritual discipline or practice.
  • Appreciate and accept accountability.

What can I expect?

Information, experience, and wisdom from a mentor who’s already been there and done that—generally from someone who’s older to someone who’s younger. It’s a dust-of-the-rabbi scenario: when the disciples followed Jesus so closely, they’d be covered in His dust.



Interested in becoming a mentor? Click below to apply.  

Become a Mentor